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Action Park Updates

Jeremiah Anderson, Chaos on Wheels founder and former Director of Autumn Ramp Park and the JoMoPro, has been working on bringing an indoor ramp park back to Southwest Missouri. What seemed like a clear path has turned more into a roller coaster ride. After months of searching for a building we have picked a location and begun construction on a 14,000 sq ft facility. Although we know that there is still a long and difficult road ahead we are excited to keep working to make this dream a reality. We appreciate all the support so many have poured out over the past few months and look forward making new friends and working alongside old friends as we move forward.


We would like to offer you a few ways that you can help make an indoor ramp park a reality in Southwest Missouri. 

You can learn more about the project and how you can help by clicking the links below.

Thank you!         

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